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Virtual Wellness Companies & What They Can Do For You

In a post pandemic world, virtual accommodations are more important now than ever before – especially when it comes to the way we work. And while Zoom meetings, local coffee shop spots, and taking calls in sweatpants is newer to Corporate America (and Canada), what hasn’t changed is the day-to-day job stresses… And the toll they can take on employee morale, as well as wellbeing. In fact, 41% of employees who take on high amounts of remote work say they feel high levels of stress “always” or “most of the time.” Even with hybrid work models, coworkers can become disconnected to each other or their work, leading business operations to suffer.

With no relief, your team can quickly experience burn out. What’s worse? They’ll start looking for a change, which could result in you losing valuable team and culture assets. Virtual wellness companies can provide resources that relieve workplace stress and bring your team closer together. With a calmer mind and improved health, you and your employees will feel better and find new motivation to work productively. It’s easy to see the benefits of using virtual wellness companies are definitely worth exploring.

What Are Virtual Wellness Companies?

A virtual wellness company, such as Body Techniques, brings familiar wellness programs to the digital world, allowing remote or hybrid employees to join. We offer a variety of online programs, including:

  • Yoga
  • Fitness
  • Stretching
  • Meditation classes

These classes are full of at-home exercises that coworkers do together, connected through an online session. One-time events can help, but the best results in changing stress levels come from consistent virtual wellness programs that are company-sponsored, included in the employee benefits package.

Online Yoga & Fitness Classes Sustain Employee Wellbeing

Whether you’ve noticed or not, your coworkers probably deal with workplace stress already, but not always in healthy ways. Stress shows itself in the form of anxiety, lack of initiative or less creative problem solving, all obstacles to productivity. When employees can manage their stress effectively, they’re happier at work – more efficient too!

In an online yoga or fitness class, employees are engaged with each other as they relieve their stress, giving them shared experience as they engage their whole bodies and breathwork. Each type of virtual wellness carries unique benefits and strengths.

Company-Sponsored Online Yoga & Meditation

In yoga and meditation classes, all focus is on the present moment. An instructor guides you through held poses, called asanas, all to remove distraction and promote body awareness. Stretching, breathing exercises and aerobics all come together in a therapeutic release of your body and mind’s tension. Our virtual wellness program offers these classes online, giving access to your team no matter where they are.

Virtual Fitness Classes

Research shows that physical activity leaves people feeling better about themselves, in a better mood, and less stressed than before. Virtual fitness classes bring the workout to your home, led by an instructor focused on refreshing your day with movement. A wide range of class types exist, such as:

  • Bootcamp
  • Pilates
  • Recovery

Our company-sponsored virtual fitness classes always blend a satisfactory amount of effort with an intensity tailored to your needs.

Take Advantage Of Virtual Wellness & Help Employees Thrive

The struggle against stress and disconnection in the workplace continues to grow. If your company uses a hybrid or remote work model, you need to proactively create bonds and destressors before it affects your employees or bottom line permanently. A company-sponsored virtual wellness program refreshes your team as they connect with each other, making for a positive, collaborative work environment.

As a virtual wellness company ourselves, we’re equipped to run the programs you need. Contact us to add some much needed health and wellness to your employee benefits package!

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